Paid Career Training
For Atlantic County Residents Age 16-24
Earn up to $1000 and more*

Come Get Your High School Diploma
Start Your Career In
- Technology
- Cybersecurity
- AI(Chat-GPT)
- Construction
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Digital Film and Music Production
Open Enrollment
Start Your Own Business In
- Food Truck
- Clothing Line
- Film and Music Production
- Handyman
- E-commerce
- Specialty Printing
Limited Seats
Call 609-318-8011 today to make an appointment!
What to Bring to Your Appointment:
- Photo ID
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security
- High School Diploma (if graduated)
Atlantic County Residents Ages 16-24
Work-Based Learning Program
Join The Only Career College That Pays
While You Attend*
Earn While You Learn

Do you know any Atlantic County resident ages 16 to 24 who may be interested in paid in-demand career training?
Refer a student to Ideal’s youth program
and earn $100 for each student who
completes our 25-hr. program
*Eligibility requires students to have at least 80% attendance